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Mid Year Economic Notes

Mid Year Economic Notes Sagiv Rosano Single family starts are down 6.9% in the year...

March | The Roman Report

The Roman Report November 2022 Monthly Update With interest rates increasing, it has forced...

MBA CREF Market Overview

MBA CREF 23 Market Overview Sagiv Rosano Market expectations for continued interest rate hikes are...

November | The Roman Report

The Roman Report November 2022 Monthly Update With interest rates increasing, it has forced...

July | The Roman Report

The Roman Report July 2022 Monthly Update Being the middle of summer, typically the Real...

June | The Roman Report

The Roman Report June 2022 Monthly Update As everyone is well aware, the Federal Reserve...

May | The Roman Report

The Roman Report May 2022 Monthly Update Summer is just around the corner! Company...

April | The Roman Report

The Roman Report April 2022 Monthly Update Apart from it being a busy first couple...

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Roman Group is a multifamily real estate investment sponsor that provides high returns for our investors. We have over 30 years of experience delivering outstanding performance and results. 

By becoming an investor with us, we can also provide unique tax strategies and passive income. For more information, please provide: